Neal Koller
Chairman & CEO,
Alphyn Biologics
United States
A founder of Alphyn, Neal has served as the company’s CEO and Chairman of the Board since the company was founded in November 2019. He has been President & CEO, and Director for six life science businesses, guiding them to milestone achievement or exit. Before Alphyn, Neal was President & CEO and board member of Perthera, Inc., preceded by the same positions at PluroGen Therapeutics, Inc. Neal established Plurogen’s manufacturing, research and development, and operations facility and launched products into U.S. & international markets, exiting to a multi-national. Additionally, Neal held positions as President of PDA, CEO of Sound Diagnostics Inc., President & CEO of Dovetail Technologies Inc., and President of WelCare International Corp. He began his career in the Wyeth Pharmaceuticals system, rising to multiple different division head responsibilities where he achieved notable successes in both large and early stage businesses. He has a B.S. in biology from the University of Richmond.