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Jeffrey Carper

Jeffrey Carper, Not Applicable

Managing Partner, Gentas Biotechnology
United States
Jeff Carper is a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader with demonstrable success in operating and founding small and medium businesses. He is currently the founder of Ruzo Solutions, a boutique consulting firm specializing in connecting investors with early-stage R&D labs and helping with acceleration and commercialization of those investments. Having successfully established several highly profitable businesses, including the largest commercial real estate building services company in Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Carper brings a unique investor's perspective to every project, challenging every organization to work smarter and scale faster. His portfolio includes facilitating cattle businesses in Brazil, pharmaceutical partnerships with Chinese governmental institutions, and several research and science labs in the United States. Most recently, Mr. Carper led the effort for Gentas Biotech to join as a resident into the JLABS science incubator program, which aims to enable and empower innovators to create and accelerate the delivery of potential life-enhancing health and wellness solutions to patients around the world. Mr. Carper serves as the Board of Directors for Enduring Hearts, the largest non profit organization in the world focus on the research for the cure and sustainability of pediatric heart transplants.

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