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All Company Presentation submissions will be reviewed by the BIO CEO & Investor Conference Team.

Enhance your presence at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference 

Apply to deliver a Company Presentation at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference: a 13-minute dedicated session where you can share your company's latest products in development with potential partners.

As a presenting company, you'll benefit from enhanced brand visibility, including:

  • A 13-minute presentation slot to showcase your company's pipeline, R&D activities, and future fundraising goals.
  • Exposure on our website, event app, and printed presentation schedule for maximum reach.
  • Ready-to-use social media graphics to promote your participation.
  • A special tag in the BIO Partnering™ system, highlighting your company to potential partners and investors.

Company Presentation Fees

CP Rates

Please note that Companies that are approved to present must pay a Company Presentation fee in addition to being registered to attend the BIO CEO & Investor Conference.  See registration rates and learn which registration type to choose.  

As a presenting company, you'll benefit from enhanced brand visibility, including:

  • A 13-minute presentation slot to showcase your company's pipeline, R&D activities, and future fundraising goals.
  • Exposure on our website, event app, and printed presentation schedule for maximum reach.
  • Ready-to-use social media graphics to promote your participation.
  • A special tag in the BIO Partnering™ system, highlighting your company to potential partners and investors.

Who can present?

The BIO CEO & Investor Conference will feature presentations primarily by established private and public companies.

Those interested in presenting must have a clear R&D focus, with a pipeline involving biotechnology therapeutics, diagnostics, or platform technologies. This can include patient advocacy groups.

Service providers will not be considered, but should email our Sponsorship Team to discuss alternative ways to highlight your initiatives with a dedicated team member.

Why do companies present?

Companies and organizations present at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference to get in front of an exclusive audience of public and private equity investors, plus other biotech executives.

Presenters also receive exclusive benefits not available to general attendees, such as being highlighted in the BIO Partnering™ System.

Best Practices for Delivering a Company Presentation

BIO has worked with Donna LaVoie of LaVoieHealthScience Strategic Communications to develop three best-practice videos to help optimize your Company Presentation at the next BIO event.



Double Helix


Supporting Bank Sponsor


Premier Sponsors

Conference Sponsors