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Connecting Investors and Patient Advocacy Groups: An Overview of Funding New Therapies

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Majestic Complex
Many patient advocates focus on the development and approval of new medicines. Investors typically learn about the pathway to approval via the companies that develop the therapies. However, the opportunity for patient groups and investors to have a dialogue about the challenges that different diseases cause in the day to day lives of families and caregivers is not as frequent. Join this discussion to connect these important groups to talk about the importance of funding development with patients in mind.
Michele Oshman, SVP of Patient Advocacy - BIO
Howard Fillit - MD, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer - Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)
Javeed Froozan - MBA, Vice President, Business Development & Strategic Alliances - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Retsina Meyer - PhD, Head of Corporate Strategy - Delix
Sara Nayeem - MD, Executive Vice President, Investments - Enavate Sciences

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